I'm obsessed with finding out why things are the way they are, and learning what can be better.
I love making things that are meaningful and delightful, and thrive in connecting the dots between culture, conversation, and complex problems.

I’ve defined visions, crafted narratives, and built products for the likes of UNDP, NASA, Levi’s, Comcast, GEICO, Intuit, Women In Innovation, and Diversify by Design.

I recharge and reconnect with my work through fiction, music, swimming, lifting, and being outdoors! πŸ“šπŸŽ§πŸŠπŸΌπŸ›Ή

My process

1. Uncover people-first insights through a combination of research methods

2. Identify opportunities for innovation and improvement in products, services, or experiences

3. Prototype, test & iterate through an agile approach

  • Design Strategist Contractor //
    Super Software Inc.
    1/2024 - Present

    Experience Strategy Intern //
    9/2023 - 12/2023

    Creative Strategy Intern //
    1/2023 - 4/2023

    Researcher & Social Impact Strategist //
    Diversify by Design (DxD)
    8/2022 – 4/2023

    Brand Design Lead //
    Women In Innovation (WIN)1
    12/2021 – Ongoing

    Research Assistant //
    Parsons School of Design
    12/2021 – 1/2023

    Creative Associate //
    Spring Marketing Capital
    7/2019 – 4/2021

  • MS Strategic Design & Management //
    Parsons School of Design, The New School
    2021 – 2023

    Bachelor of Design, Visual Communications & Strategic Branding //
    Srishti Manipal Institute of Art, Design & Technology
    2015 – 2019

  • WIN: Women In Innovation Awards

    NASA //
    Design Strategist & Researcher – Integrated Student Collaborator

    Creativity Unleashed //
    Published Illustrator (Bloomsbury)

    UNDP //
    Student CollaboratorDegree Thesis Project

    Kochi-Muziris Biennale //
    Crew Member & Curator

"Ana brought positive and eager energy to the work, willing to wear multiple hats, take on new challenges, or plug into any gap in team capability to push the work where it needed to be. She is thoughtful in her preparation, has great attention to detail, and cares deeply about doing great work for both client and end-user."

- Cole Nielsen, Senior Director of Experience Strategy at Lippincott

"Ana's most valuable quality as a designer is the awareness she brings to the table, remarkable for an individual so early in her career.
She is connected to the latest in culture, design, music, and cinema, which are constantly informing her work and her sensibilities. She has a knack for creating pieces of communication that are not just visually relevant, but culturally and socially as well."

- Ajay Ram, Design Partner at Spring Marketing Capital

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