I define and deliver products and experiences that drive value for people and business.

🧢 I am a hands-on design generalist and wear multiple hats (strategic designer, brand & experience thinker, researcher, facilitator)
💭 My INFP personality type means that I am deeply curious & compassionate
🧭 I’m always thinking about design in the context of culture and conversation

View some of my recent work below! 👇

Providing immigrants with limited English proficiency expert financial guidance. Built in collaboration with the South American and South Asian community in Jackson Heights, Queens NY.

A platform for immigrants to receive financial guidance through peer mentorship

A connected platform experience for a financial services company

An experience vision details a future-state platform experience for a financial technology company, rethinking AI’s role in the customer journey.

A toolkit to facilitate trust and openness between young children and their parents

Card games, activities, and conversation guides facilitate communication and collaboration through play.

A collaborative platform for businesses in the space economy

LaunchPad: an online platform for businesses to trade, collaborate, and grow in a future lower earth orbit economy, made for NASA.

A free and reliable introduction to design professions, specifically for BIPOC youth

Pathways is a program to introduce students to the world of design, by providing free resources, mentorship, and guidance to various design career paths.

A cohesive, end-to-end design system for a community-focused produce brand

An earthy, rooted brand identity for Deep Rooted Co - a fruits & vegetables brand that values clean, fresh, and locally sourced produce.